
Send an email to if you are interested in attending CLEAN online seminars.

May 21st (online)


Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago)


May 14th (online)


Henrik Sigstad (BI Norwegian Business School)


April 30th (online)


Katie Bollman (Oregon State University)


April 16th (online)


Magdalena Dominguez (Institute for Fiscal Studies)


April 15th (in person)


Austin Smith (University of Arizona)


April 2nd (online)


Stephen Machin (London School of Economics) 


March 19th (in person)


Olivier Marie (Rotterdam University)


March 11th (in person)


Francesco Ambrosini (Università di Padova)


March 5th (online)


Romain Ferarali (Aix Marseille School of Economics)


February 19th (online)


Bocar Ba (Duke University)


February 5th (online)


Rodrigo Soares (Insper, Brazil)

December 16th (in-person)

Juan Vargas (Carlo Alberto)


December 11th (online)

Analisa Packham (Vanderbilt University)


November 27th (online)

Patricio Dominguez (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)


November 20th (online)

Karmini Sharma (Imperial College London)


November 13th (online)

Dean Knox (University of Pennsylvania)


November 6th (online)

Rocco d’Este (University of Sussex)


October 30th (online)

Bruno Caprettini (University of St Gallen)


October 16th (online)

Mike Laforest (US Air Force Academy)


October 2nd (online)

Pablo Slutzky (University of Maryland)


September 30th (in-person)

Once Upon a Time in America: the Mafia and the Unions

Andrea Matranga (University of Turin)


September 23rd (in-person)

The Institutional Role of the Italian Mafia: Enforcing Contracts When the State Does Not

Federica Braccioli (Vienna University)


May 22nd (online)

The Long Shadow of the Spanish Civil War

Felipe Valencia Caicedo (University of British Columbia)


May 15th (online)

Uncertainty, Peace, and Investment: Evidence from Credit Microdata in Colombia

Luis R. Martínez (Chicago University)


May 8th (online)

Mafias and Firms

Rocco Macchiavello (London School of Economics)


April 24th (online)

Unfolding State Capture by Legalized Non-state Armed Actors in Colombia

Javier Osorio (University of Arizona) 


April 17th (in person)

Place-Based Policies in Deprived Neighbourhoods: Effects on Crime, Inactivity, Residential Composition and House Prices

Anna Piil Damm (Aarhus University)


April 10th (online)

Does Neighborhood Investment Actually Affect Crime? New Evidence from LIHTC and Smartphone-base Measures of Policing

Emily Owens (University of California - Irwine)


April 8th (in person)

Understanding the Punitive Cost of a Mug Shot: A Machine Learning Application

Gary Wagner (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)


April 3rd (online)

The Big Short (Interest): Closing the Loopholes in the Dividend-Withholding Tax

Evelina Gavrilova (Norwegian School of Economics) 


March 27th (online)

Did Violence Against Asian-Americans Rise in 2020? Evidence from a Novel Approach to Measuring Potentially Racially-Motivated Attacks

Aaron Chalfin (University of Pennsylvania)


March 20th (online)

The Economic Costs of Rape

Huttunen Kristiina (Aalto University)


March 13th (online)

Victimisation and Birth Outcomes

Livia Menezes (University of Birmingham - Boulder)


March 6th (online)

Better Stealing Than Dealing? The Effects of Felony Theft Thresholds

Mike Makowsky (Clemson University)


February 28th (online)

Surviving Childhood: Health and Crime Effects of Removing a Child From Home

Ronja Helensdotter (Gothenburg University)


February 21st (online)

We're Building Something Here: Reducing Gun Violence Without Exacerbating the Harms of Policing in Baltimore's Western District

Max Kapustin (Cornell University) 


February 14th (online)

Local Media Reports about Sexual Crimes and Judicial Outcomes in India

Mahima Vasishth (Bocconi University)


February 7th (in person)

The Erosion of Homeownership and Minority Wealth

Adam Soliman (Visiting Bocconi, London School of Economics)

4 December (online)

Ordinary Men: Inside one of the Largest Armed Organizations of the Congo

Raul Sanchez de la Sierra (University of Chicago)


29 November (online)

A Cognitive View of Policing

Oeindrila Dube (University of Chicago)


22 November (online)

The Franchise, Policing, and Race: Evidence from Arrests Data and the Voting Rights Act

Brian Knight (Brown University)


15 November (online)

Beauty pays for crime? Evidence from criminal sentencing

Tang Cheng Keat (Nanyang Technological University)


10 November (in person)

When Nation Building Goes South: Draft Evasion, Government Repression, and the Origins of the Sicilian Mafia

Gianni Marciante (University of Bologna)


8 November (online)

The Race Between Tax Enforcement and Tax Planning: Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Chile

Dina Pomeranz (University of Zurich) 


30 October (in person)

Does School Choice Increase Crime?

Stephen Billings (University of Colorado - Boulder)


27 October (in person)

Does refusing legal aid cause harm? A design-based double-machine-learning approach

Fabio Martinenghi (UNSW Sydney)


18 October (online)

Digging Deeper: Mining Companies and Armed Bands in the DRC

Davide Zufacchi (University College London)


11 October (online)

From Lapdogs to Watchdogs: Random Auditor Assignment and Municipal Fiscal Performance

Silvia Vannutelli (Northwestern University)


9 October (online)

Criminal Charges, Risk Assessment, and Violent Recidivism in Cases of Domestic Abuse

Jeffrey Grogger (Harris School of Public Policy Chicago)


4 October (online)

Convicts and Comrades: Coerced Labor’s Impact on Early Labor Unions

Hazal Sezer (Tilburg University)   


19 June (in person)

Ethnic discrimination throughout the criminal justice system

Nadine Ketel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


12 June (online)

The Effects of Teacher Quality on Adult Criminal Justice Contact

Yotam Shem-Tov (UCLA) 


22 May 

Elections for sale? Evidence from Italian local elections

Giacomo De Luca (Università di Bolzano) 


8 May (online)

The Dynamics of Abusive Relationships

Emily Nix (University of Southern California) 


3 April (online)

Immigration Enforcement, Crime, and Community Trust in Police

Emily Weisburst (UCLA)


27 March (online)

Exploring Inmates' Perceptions: Evidence from Survey in Czechia

Arnaus Philippe (Bristol University)


13 March (online)

 Bless or Curse for Organized Crime? The Long-Term Effects of an Energy Transition from Coal to Oil on the Yakuza

Takuma Kamada (Osaka University)


27 February (in person)

The Local Effect of Executions on Serious Crime (joint with Diego Battiston)

Jordi Blanes i Vidal (LSE)


13 February (online)

Rules Matter: How Tax Enforcement Increases Revealed Preference for Redistribution

Simone Paci (Columbia)


30 January (online) 

Behavioral Responses to Wealth Taxation: Evidence from Colombia

Juliana Londono-Velez (UCLA)


19 December

How Criminal Governance Undermines Elections

Jessie Trudeau (Brown University) 


5 December

Uncovering illegal and underground economies: the case of mafia extortion racketeering

Lavinia Piemontese (Bocconi University, CLEAN) 


21 November

The Co-opted State: Bureaucrats, Development, and Corruption in Ghana

Sarah Brierley (LSE)  


7 November

Murphy’s Law or the Luck of the Irish? Disparate Treatment of the Irish in 19th Century Courts

Anna Binder (University of Cologne) 


24 October

Fear to Vote: Explosions and Elections in Colombia

Mounu Prem (Rosario-EIEF)  


17 October

The Impact of Incarceration on Employment and Earnings

Evan Rose (University of Chicago)  


3 October

Measuring Effects of Conviction and Incarceration on Recidivism using Multi-Treatment Random Judge Designs

Aurelie Ouss (UPenn)  


13 June

Do politicians in power receive special treatment in courts? Evidence from India

Rubén Poblete-Cazenave (Erasmus University Rotterdam)  


31 May

Gangs of London: Public Housing, Bombs and Knives

Tom Kirchmaier (LSE)  


23 May

Can political fiscal cycles be stopped? Evidence from a public spending ban near elections

Nelson Ruiz (University of Oxford)  


17 May

A Manufactured Tragedy: The Origins and Deep Ripples of the Opioid Epidemic

Carolina Arteaga (University of Toronto)  


2 May

Commuting for crime

Monica Langella (LSE)   


11 April

The Fascist Roots of Migrant Labor Exploitation

Shanker Satyanath (NYU)


5 April

Job Loss and Conflict in the Household

Ria Ivandic (University of Oxford)  


21 March

 Gang rule: Understanding and countering criminal governance

Santiago Tobon (Universidad EAFIT)  


7 March

The Logic and Impacts of Rebel Public Services Provision: Evidence from Taliban Courts in Afghanistan

Austin L. Wright (University of Chicago)


21 February

Policing Substance Use: Chicago's Treatment Program for Narcotics Arrests

Ashna Arora (University of Chicago)  


7 February

The spatial structure of police violence

Patrick Sharkey (Princeton University)  


31 January

Nautical Patrol and Illegal Fishing Practices

Stephen Kastoryano (University of Reading)  























20 December

Discontinuities in the Age-Victimization Profile and the Determinants of Victimization

Randi Hjalmarsson (University of Gothenburg)


22 November

The role of officer race and gender in police-civilian interactions in Chicago

Jonathan Mummolo (Princeton University) 


8 November

The Impact of Financial Sanctions in the U.S. Justice System: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Michigan's Driver Responsibility Program

Mike Mueller-Smith (University of Michigan)  


25 October

Deterrence or Backlash? The Causal Effect of Arrest on the Dynamics of Domestic Violence

Sofia Amaral (University of Munich)  


11 October

Firms amid Conflict: Performance, Production Inputs, and Market Competition

Michele Di Maio (Sapienza University of Rome)  


4 October

De-escalation technology: the impact of body-worn cameras on citizen-police interactions

Pedro Souza (Warwick University)  


27 September

Misdemeanor Prosecution

Jennifer Doleac (Texas A&M University)  


21 June2021 

Prison work and convict rehabilitation
Giulio Zanella (Università di Bologna)


7 June 2021 

The Political Economy of Assassinations

Mariana Carvalho (UC San Diego)


24 May 2021 

Using Mobile Salary Payments to Reduce Corruption and Promote Financial Development in Afghanistan

Stefano Fiorin (Università Bocconi)


10 May 2021 

Corruption Corrupts:Scandals and Supermarket Thefts

Giorgio Gulino (Pompeu Fabra University)


26 April March 2021 

Highway to Hell? Interstate Highway System & Crime

Francesca Calamunci (Università di Catania)


12 April 2021 

The Big House far from Home: Spatial Distance and Criminal Recidivism
Anna Weber (Boston University)


22 March 2021 

Mexican Cartel Wars: Fighting for the U.S. Opioid Market
Fernanda Sobrino (University of Chicago) 


8 March 2021 

Gangs, Labor Mobility and Development
Micaela Sviatschi (Princeton University)


22 February 2021 
Freedom of Speech, Deterrence, and Compellence in the Parliament
Naci Mocan (Louisiana State University)


8 February 2021 
Self-Selecting Candidates or Compelling Voters: How Organized Crime Affects Political Selection
Giovanni Immordino (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)


25 January 2021 
School Indiscipline and Crime
Matteo Sandi (London School of Economics)


11 January 2021 
The economic effects of removing corrupt city councils
Alessandra Fenizia (George Washington University)

14 December 2020 
Organized Crime, Earthquakes and Local Public Procurement: Evidence from Italy
Giovanna Marcolongo (Bocconi University)


23 November 2020 
The Geography of Gang Violence
Jesse Bruhn (Brown University)


9 November 2020 
Politics by Denunciation
Giovanna Invernizzi (Columbia University) 

26 October 2020 
Judicial Corruption, Favor Exchange and the Rule of Law
Bakhtawar Ali (CERP)

12 October 2020 
Individual Economic Shocks and Access to Justice: Evidence from Matched Labor and Court Data
Diogo Britto (Bocconi University)


28 September 2020
Immigrants, Legal Status, and Illegal Trade
Brett McCully, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


14 September 2020
Machine Learning can Predict Bank Frauds
Rohrkemper Robert, Associate Director Worldline and Atos


9 July 2020
Urban criminal networks and the optimality of tough-on-crime policies (reading group)
Magdalena Dominguez Perez, University of Barcelona


25 June 2020
Do far-right mayors increase the probability of hate-crimes? Evidence from Italy
Alessio Romarri, University of Barcelona


15 June 2020
The Spirit of Ramadan and Criminal Acquittals: Causal Evidence from Pakistan
Sultan Mehmood, Aix-Marseille School of Economics


3 June 2020
Corruption and Extremism
Massimo Morelli, Bocconi University


14 May 2020
How Criminal Organizations Expand to Strong States: Migrants’ Exploitation and Vote Buying in
Northern Italy
Gemma Dipoppa, University of Pennsylvania


15 April 2020
Who Watches the Watchmen? Local News and Police Behaviour in the United States
Nicola Mastrorocco, Trinity College Dublin


1 April 2020
Urban criminal networks and the optimality of tough-on-crime policies
Magdalena Dominguez Perez, University of Barcelona


5 February 2020
Corruption under Austerity
Gianmarco Daniele, Bocconi University


15 January 2020
Life-Course Criminal Trajectories of Mafia Members
Gian Maria Campedelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

4 December 2019
Are Biometric Identification Machines Helping to Clean Up Elections? Evidence from Colombia
Manoel Gehrke, Bocconi University


31 October 2019
Fueling Organized Crime: Oil Thefts and the Mexican Drug War
Marco Le Moglie, Bocconi University